My Book Live green light blinking

I’ve had a 3TB My Book Live set up as my back up. I created a Z drive and everything seemed to be working well until recently.

I’ve spoken with WD Support several times and they’ve tried to help me through mapping the network drive again. It doesn’t seem to work. I use Windows 10.

The technician suggested I reset the machine and wait for the green light to stop blinking. He said the reset process could take a week or more.

The green light has gone solid a few times but by the time I get to call WD Support it’s back to blinking again.

I’m not sure what to do.

Paul (Australia): first time on here.

A week or more? Horsecrap. A reset takes just a few minutes.

A green light is a normal indication indicating the drive is active (not sleeping).

So what exactly is the problem you’re having?

A week or more sounds a bit unreasonable, but a “Full Factory Restore” reset takes many, many hours. The amount of time depends on the size of the drive because all data is erased.

The actual problem is that the drive disappeared from my computer.

I had it set up as the Z drive connected to my desktop computer and used it, essentially, for daily backups.

My Book Live is connected. The WD technician confirmed that.

He guided me through a few procedures but nothing seemed to work. So he suggested I call back when the green light stops blinking!

Make sure that Windows did not change your sharing settings. In particular, make sure you current profile is “Private”. Windows will switch your adapter to one of the more restrictive profiles if you change routers (for instance).

Make sure Windows did not change your NetBIOS over TCP/IP capability. If you are using the default setting of “Auto” Windows will sometimes disable the capability. (The only documented reason I’ve seen is if you use static IP addresses, but I’ve seen reports of it’s being disabled for other, less clear, reasons.)