My Book Live Duo

I have a new ACER computer running Windows 8

I have bought and installed a new My Book Live Duo, when i visited the units web page it said it needed a firmware update which I installed, and then backed up some of my files to my new unit.

When I view the unit through the WD smartware, it says the backup is complete and that the data is there, but i cannot access the data from my desktop, and when i look at the My Book Live Duo from the control panel it says there is a driver problem and the unit cannot start. (Code 10)

I have tried troubleshooting and reloading the drivers

Can anyone help please

Don’t worry about the driver problem in Control Panel.  It’s not relevent, really - it has more to do with Device Discovery and DLNA more than anything else.

Backup files are hidden.   You’ll only be able to see them via the Smartware app itself (restore) or if you map to the hidden share explicitly.

There’s a reason for this – backup data sets are compressed and encrypted.  Even if you do map directly to the share, there’s not much you can do with the files that are there…