My Book : how to sync a folder with SmartWare ? No multiple copies!

I need to backup/sync a folder or disk continuosly to have an exact copy of it to My Book,

so not want to have multiple copies of whatever file, only one.

How to do ?


I need to backup/sync a folder or disk continuosly to have an exact copy of it to My Book,

so not want to have multiple copies of whatever file, only one.

How to do ?


go to smartware then settings, setup software, file history button. change it to prolly 1 if you want just 1 copy/version of the files that were backed up.

hope this helps

This NOT helped me …

I already setted 1 as version of files, but for example:

-souce folder called “vacations”

on My book is backupped “vacations” (i.e. 800GB)

-source folder renamed after some days to “vacations on beach” (same 800Gb)

on My Book is backupped “vacations on beach”

The situation on My Book is: folder “vacations” AND “vacations on beach” , for total 1600GB !!

If for you is syncing … but for me not at all !