Hello there!
I just bought my 4TB, and transfered 3,5TB to the drive over a periode of about 24 hours. The drive was on the whole time.
When finished with the transfer, I checked the drive, and everything was as it should be: The movies on it was able to play and all was good and dandy.
Two days later, I plug it in to my computer, and nothing happens! Actually different things happen, when I plug it in:
- Nothing happens, except the white light is on.
- The drive starts spinning, as if it was normal, but nothing comes up on the computer, and is not to be found with use of the SmartWare. After a few minutes, it stops spinning.
- Once every 20-30 tries, it starts normally! But only if I take the power away, wait 30 sekunds, and turn on the power again.
What is wrong?? And how can I fix it?
I am very frustraited!
Grettings from Brian