OK I own a WD TV LIve with latest firmware and a My Book Essential 3TB ( WDBACW0030HBK ),
I have had both for about 4 months, now and i used to delete items on the drive while using my WD TV Live, however when i plugged it into the windows PC, it kept giving me errors saying windows needed to scan the drive, i didn’t want to have to keep doing this so i formated the drive, put my files back on and hooked it back up to WD TV LIve and left it for about a month, while NEVER deleting anything on the drive.
Now having just plugged the drive back into my windows 7 x64 U pc, i get the same error
WHat is going on, i’m doing nothing with this drive apart from watchingt he media on it yet it’s always coming up with this error, can anyone shed any light on this for me and maybe suggest a fix.