My Book Essential 2.0 USB 1.5 TB

I just purchased a new 1.5 TB  my book essential a week ago and it worked fine until today when my computer no longer reconizes the drive. I just updated the software and fireware and i was wondering if that was a reason why.The drive still turns on and the little while light below the lock symbol on the front is flashing.

may be unrelated but when i try restarting my computer a command promt window opens whenever i log in. this just starting occuring after i updated the software and firmware.

i have tried unistalling the “WD smartware” and reinstalling it but it did not help.

What OS are you using? There is a problem updating firmware on Macs. This sounds really stupid but it would need to be upgraded on Windows Check post 47 by screwedconsumer

I’m running a windows 7 laptop