My 1st PR4100 32TB is Full, getting a 2nd one, 1 Question

What is the proper way to attach it to my network? As a 2nd separate NAS? Is it possible to combine both NASs as 1 bigger NAS without data migration/loss?


You can’t combine the space as a giant volume, would be a nice feature though. You need to follow networking 101. No two devices on your network can have the same name. Just make sure you have different device names on the PR4100’s. You can change it under Settings/General in the dashboard of the device.

I mount the data share of my old NAS as an NFS share to /mnt/oldnas and create a symlink to this location in the data share of my new NAS.

For the connection: you should be able to chain the NAS… I didn’t do this yet so I don’t have details.