Moving data from one My Cloud Home device to a new My Cloud Home device

I have now for many hours worked and searched in all forums for any one with same problem as I but with no luck. So crossing my fingers.

Normal problem. You buy one device and you run out of space. New device purchased, same brand to be in the family but now with an issue. How do you move all the content from the old My Cloud Home to the new My Cloud Home?

I have tried to look into if I could use “finder” on Mac. I see the My Cloud Home device but only the public area. Best guess is that this is closed area. If not - then please assist.

Is there another smart way to move 3TB data (mostly movies) from the old to the new? They are both on the same network. Of course with two diff. logins as the APP does not support more units together (crazy). I do not have a smart way of doing something that WD actually should have solved for the not IT minded user of the Home product.

I really hoping for some comments. Thanks.


AFAIK The only supported thing for now is a transfer from an “old” My Cloud (not Home series) device to MCH.
There’s no such an option to transfer data from MCH to MCH.

That was what i feared. WD that is not ok. How do you upgrade when you run out of space. Just purchased an upgrade 8TB Home device. That will be returned asap.