Movie Folders

Try the reverse, then. 

Rename all .metathumb files to be .jpg.

ALL? or only methathumb set for folder?

Just that folder, most likely…

I agree with some of the posters in this topic.
I have an ‘Action’ folder for action movies and all my action movies are in there.
Except I have movie artwork and other information for each movie in this folder, so it was quite messy to look at on the HD. Being that I’m a very organized person I created an individual folder for each movie in the ‘action’ folder and moved all of it’s corresponding information to that folder. But I cannot view the metasource info for the folders per the movie and have to enter the folder to highlight the file before I can see it. That’s terrible… So If the media player cannot do this I guess people have to choose between hard drive organization or a menu with instant access to the meta info. I may have to bite the bullet and delete all my individual movie folders as much as I’ll hate having all my movie files being dumped in one folder completely unorganized. *cringe*

This needs to be fixed in the next firmware update, this is ridiculous.

One2Go wrote:

… unless they are morons.

… the software douches 

Yeah.  That’s classy…

Glad im not the only one that thinks this is a mess.   The coders need to get a grip and stop adding new features until they fix the bugs, and theres lots of bugs to fix.

i actually only have two problems, this one and the one where you play a video and it stutters and stops then every other video you try says unsupported until hard reboot.  fix those and you can call me a completely satisfied customer.