Mounting from mycloud gen2 to mycloud ex4100 and viceversa only one way works

Hi, so after a hard reset on a 4tb my cloud gen2 i tried from my ex4100 to mount the 4tb my cloud. However it complains about the Public share being read only:
Command: mount -t cifs // /shares/Public/Shared\ Pictures/4TBMCloudG2/ -o username=root,password=pwd

BUT if i mount the ex4100 into the 4tb it WORKS!
what is different.? Same command same permissions on the directories!
I can do what i need to do but it ■■■■■ because im in fact using the 4tg2 processor instead of the more powerful ex4100. Any ideas.? This is the error i get
BUT what is missing either from the 4tbg2 or the ex4100 that i can mount one way but not viceversa,!
mount -t cifs // /shares/Public/Shared\ Pictures/4TBMCloudG2/ -o username=root,password=pwd
mount: block device // is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: cannot mount block device // read-only
root@WDMyCloudEX4100 Shared Pictures # mount -t cifs // /shares/Public/Shared\ Pictures/4TBMCloudG2/ -o username=root,password=pwd
mount: block device // is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: cannot mount block device // read-only

Is this live? The problem is a security issue. One had to type the full visible password on the scripts because the new firmware won’t accept “pwd” it only accepts “$mypassword” where my password is the actual fully visible password! So much for improving security!