Missing videos when streaming from WDTV Live Hub

I have used the WDTV quite a bit as a standalone device with great success, but I’m now trying to set it up as the streaming server in my house and have run into a couple issues. All of my content is stored as .m4v files to be compatible with iTunes and AppleTV, and most of it works great from the WDTV, but an odd handful of movies just do not show up on my PS3 or in xbmc on my MacBook. The movies were all created the same way, using RipIt then HandBrake. Is there anywhere to get more information about why certain videos don’t show up on the client devices when the large majority do? Please let me know if I need to post any other details.

To see if there is any difference between the files that playback properly, and others than don’t, you may grab a Media Info from them,you can find the details in this link:


You may also check with Sony and XBMC Support to verify the file types supported by them.