Mise à jour 5.05.118 - problème sécurité?

Have tried the 169.254.x.x…x adres , with no luck as no my cloud dashboard responded.
Have reset the My cloud once more an got solid blue led. Reset the router to close off the channel for this other IP. Tried several tools to discover the My clouds IP on the local net work,with no luck. Device is dead now.

Have looked here ( and will continue to so) but unfortunally no answers. :unamused:

Since this model has removable HDD an test on a linux system with gparted was easy to preform. Disk had no partitions (anymore), no valid gpt … Ran Testdisk to recover the partition structure, came up with an structure that look logical. I;m now trying a recover run on the disk to see if any files are there.
Recovery of files i have already given up (have most as originals elsewhere) but want to ensure that no personal data is on the device when i return it.

Device was bought only 2 weeks ago and i will return it as broken.
@bennor Thank you for your time

Side note : This morning I came across:

perhaps similar event this time.

[UPDATE dec 14th] Was unable to fix the issues, it is now completely dead ( Red Led). Returned the MyCloudEX2Ultra to supplier (amzone.nl) for full refund.
Will look elsewhere for an alternative. sorry guys but is as it is.