Microsoft Office apps only taking soooo long to save when saving in MyCloud Home

Hi all
2 days ago purchased a mycloudhome and I’m having difficulty saving from every Microsoft Office app…as soon as I hit save as and complete the name of the file and click save it takes almost 2 mins to save any document. Same goes for word, excel or outlook saving an email or the attachments of an email. If I save the attchments for example or the document on my desktop or local folder and copy-paste it or drag&drop to the WD Cloud it works just fine…can anyone help? Because in any other case I should return the product back…it doesn’t do its job this way:(
Just to clarify, tested in 4 pcs with windows 10, and tested to install office 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2021, all with the same behaviour.


Checkout this page on Microsoft’s website that seems to be a known issue with network attached storage in general:

If this doesn’t seem to fit your exact situation I’d encourage you to keep searching down this path of “office slow to save to NAS” on your favourite search engine.


Thanks for your response…the thing is I m not using efs I guess and also that from another customer I have to who I ve used ex2 ultra, none of these symptoms appears!! So it’s a specific matter of mycloud home:(
One more strange thing is that 9 out of 10 times I create a new word document 1st save as works fine, when I create a 2nd one and try to save it symptom occurs. Same happens if I try to just save the 1st one like I ve changed something and just save the changes!

Very strange! I wonder if it is the type of protocol used on the MyCloud Home vs. Ex2 Ultra.

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Should be something like this because in every pc at the location with the ex2 ultra, I haven’t done any but any configurations/modification either at the nas or at the pc!

Anybody with a mycloud home to confirm this? I’ve got two different my cloud home, one 2022 and one 2017 doing exactly the same thing, of course at different locations!!

I am facing the same problem as you did, and I wanted to ask if you found a solution.

I’ve seen this happen with certain cloud services, especially ones that aren’t natively integrated into Windows. Microsoft Office apps tend to struggle when saving directly to network drives or cloud storage that is not fully optimized for Office file handling. That’s probably why it’s quicker when you save locally first and then copy over manually.
If you haven’t already, you could try mapping the MyCloud Home as a network drive. It sometimes improves file-saving performance. Also, check if there’s an option in your Office apps to disable background file validation or syncing during save, which could be causing delays.
Also, if you’re on Mac or planning to switch, you might want to look over this site: , which could provide a smoother experience with cloud services.

Unlikely the OP could or would answer the question.

This problem could be due to a number of factors, but the observations are:

  1. It could take ~10 seconds to save a 500 KB file, so, it is long but not interminable.
  2. It doesn’t happen with alternative Office apps such as LibreOffice, FreeOffice & OnlyOffice.
  3. It doesn’t happen with local accounts on MS Office 2019 for example.
  4. It may happen with MS Office using online account. It is possible Office is trying to log into local network drive with its online credentials for write permission and failing on the MCH but correcting after a time out with each file write.

With a $3 trillion capital, you think MS could support their software and network credentials a little better, but there is little incentive to do so.

You can’t really expect a specific solution from WD Tech because most My Cloud Home users can’t document their problem beyond a 6 word description, plus the fact that this is a problem specific to recent versions of MS Office and does not apply to many other office suites or file formats.

But many generic solutions exist, including those listed above and ones such as this, changing security settings or reverting to earlier MS document formats such as XLS or DOC:

Reddit solutions

Change a network(Wi-Fi or hotspot) and try it again to check if is related to network.

If you could just read one line above you in the attached picture, it shows…

100% all other types of docs, .txt, .log, .jpeg, .png etc. all open immediately so clearly this is not a ‘performance’ or ‘network’ issue.

  1. This is 100% a Microsoft Office bug. 100%.
  2. It can be solved easily, shown above were at least 2 solutions.