Menus not displayed in Install software


I am trying to install a MyBook Studio, and the menus in the install software are not displayed. The menu boxes only display “unidentified” 

My installed Acrobat version is Pro v9. Systems is Windows 7 64 bits

Should I have another Acrobat version or change any of the windows setup options ?

Very annoying, cannot use the product. Any response would be gladly wellcome

Best regards


What software are you trying to install?

The drive comes pre-formatted for Mac.

If this is the first time using it, you should partition the drive to work with windows and then install any applications.

How to initialize or write a signature to a secondary hard drive or Solid State drive in Windows (8, 7, Vista, XP)

How to partition and format a WD drive on Windows (8, 7, Vista, XP) and Mac OSX


Thank you for the quick answer. The issue was not how to install but the bundled installation software not displaying the menus

I managed to get hold of customer support. It turns out that there were burning problems on a number of CDs shipping with the product inducing reading errors and install programs not working properly

I was helped to the download of the appropriate WD drive manager, which fixed the issue

Thank you again for your help
