MBLD Slow transfer and Web Inferface SLOW

I have had the MBLD 2TB Raid for about a year. Windows 10. MBDL connected to same switch as computer.

I have a MBL one disk NAS and it is beginning to fail, so I am transferring info from it to my MBDL. Transfer rate goes from 0 to 8Mb/s, but stays mostly at 0. I was contributing that to the failing, yet still performing MBL.

However, the MBLD has gone to a crawl when I try to do ANYTHING on it. Trying to display the contents in Windows Explorer, Win10, the green progress bar creeps across the address bar, and it finally displays after maybe two minutes. Going in to a directory/folder takes a couple minutes. The Web Interface takes up to 5 minutes to come up, if at all, then I login for another 5 minutes before I get to the menu. Then Click System, and another 5 minutes… on and on.

I have read many, many threads. I was trying to get to access menus in the web interface to give some configuration stats, but… still waiting. I had tried to run the Diagnostics, but it stays at 10% for hours, including one overnight 14 hour wait.

IDEAS?!?! All would be appreciated.

PS, I maybe purchased the drive a year ago, new. And it’s a Legacy product? :wink: