MBLD connected by relay to Airport Extreme

It seems Apple claims devices needing UPnP should connect okay but MBLD connects to this router by relay. 

Do I need to enable an account for “Back to my Mac” to get MBLD to connect direct to this router?


Hi Alan_H, can you share what are you trying to do exactly. 

Alan_H wrote:

It seems Apple claims devices needing UPnP should connect okay

Apple makes that claim all the time, but their users largely agree that UPnP does NOT work with anything other than Apple’s own devices.

Hi Ichigo,

I’m trying to improve connection performance per the WD MBLD manual:

Connected (Relay connection established)—The My Book Live Duo drive attempts to configure the network to allow direct connections whenever possible. Some networks do not support the UPnP protocol, which the My Book Live Duo device uses for those configurations. If you desire a direct connection instead of a relay, consult your router operating guide to determine UPnP compatibility. 

Alan_H:  Just configure Cloud Access on the Duo manually.   That way UPnP isn’t even needed.

Manual setup:

Statip IP address works fine.

I see reams of messages about port forwarding failures. I’ve tried a lot of things but so far nothing has worked for port forwarding.

MBLD reports to have latest firmware.

Did you forward the ports on the router?