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Have the flaw? Probably.

Be affected by it? Possibly, but only if you run code on the box that would exploit it.

Just storing data on the box, by itself, won’t be risky. Running apps, on the other hand, from untrusted sources, sure.

My assumption is inviolable unless you’re assuming other vulnerabilities have been exploited first. And if that’s the case, the Intel issue should be the least of one’s concerns. And yes, I do agree that WD has issues there…

And “infinite” is a tad of exaggeration, no? :grinning:

Info is so sketchy right now. Some sources are saying only intel’s 64 bit processors are vulnerable. Some are more vague. I’m not personally aware if the PR’s Pentiums are 32 or 64 bit. Also uncertain if the 64 bit processors are vulnerable if the OS is 32-bit, etc.

In other words: it’s way too soon to say whether any particular system is actually exploitable or not until the embargo is lifted, so wouldn’t want to fall into the “fake [or at least exaggeratined] news” realm. :wink: