Making Playlists

So does that mean putting all my files on the top level?? Don’t quite understand… sorry

Would someone be able to give me a solution I would really like one. 

I think you need to learn how playlists work.

Here’s a good place to start:

Specifically, the discussion of RELATIVE PLAYLISTS.

Well I read it so where am I meant to put my playlist on the wiki it says you put it on the top level and it reads everything in that folder. Mine doesn’t do that…

You can put the playlists ANYWHERE you want, but the PATHs given in the playlist must be correct based on where the playlist file itself is.

If you DO put them on the top level, then did you modify the playlist as I instructed above?

So changing it from relative to absolute should work

No.    They must be RELATIVE.

Oh so then what am I meant to do? This is really confusing me…

Try this, leave your playlist just the way they are (with realtive path).  Create a folder at the root level and name it something like “Playlists”, then place your playlists in the folder.

ok ill try that now

Absolute means an explicit reference to where something is located.  Think of it like a street address.  It tells you where something is absolutely located.

Absolute example:  C:\apples\bananas\  This means the c drive, then the apples folder in the c drive and then the bananas folder within the apples folder.

Relative means a reference to where something is located REALTIVE TO WHERE SOMETHING ELSE IS.  Think of it like someone giving you directions like this, turn around, turn left, turn right, then turn right again.  It tells you HOW to get there.

Relative example:  …/…/music/dubstep  This means that WHEREVER I happen to be giving directions from, go up two directory levels - names don’t matter here - and I’ll find a folder named music and then in that folder I’ll find another folder named dubstep.

Your playlist requires you to tell it where the songs are using RELATIVE paths.