Make Sure you are connected to ne Network

All of the sudden, I can not copy any files onto my  MBL.  I have disconnected the drive, re maped but nothing.  I can see it on the network list and when maped in “My Computer”, but everytime I try to copy or extract a file from the drive, even within the same drive, the windows it pops up it says:  There is a problem accessing Z:/xxxxxxxxx   Make sure you are connected to the network and try again.  Any thoughts>  Thanks

What firmware are you running?

Have you tried resetting the unit

I have 02.32.05-046   Yesterday, I disconnected my book live from the router, and connected directly to my computer.  The problem was fixed, i was able to transfer files on to it, and also transfer files between drive folders.  But still have the problem, once the MBL is hooked to the router.