Make my own folder icon

I have folders like Movies, Kids, Teen, and others that I would like to choose the jpg for.  Is that possible?  It seems like it just pulls the first jpg it finds so I could just name one so it is first and it will choose that?

Name it folder.jpg.

If no file exists called folder.jpg then the WDTV will just use the first jpg (alphabetically) that it finds…

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You should ne able to make a jpeg of appropriate size, and name it “folder.jpg”. Mine are 240x364 (pixels).

Good Luck


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Inside my Movies directory the folder icon file is named 0.metathumb (that is a zero) since there are other .metathumb files in that directory and it must sort first, while in my TV directory the icon file is named folder.metathumb since all TV show metathumbs are in subdirectories.

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Ill try this, because I tried naming a file folder.jpg and that didn’t seem to get picked up.  I’ll fool with it and report back.

haha, operator error.  I had set up a link to the ‘folder’ in my favorites instead of going through the videos and then setting up a favorite.

Thanks all for the help