MAC for Pages, Keynotes, Numbers

I could save the files (Pages, Keynotes, Numbers) to MY Cloud Home, but unable to open the files at all. Unless I go to the My Cloud application, then I need to download the files, finally can open. Totally, I can’t open from Pages, Numbers and Keynotes, as it is show invisible. Do advice.

Is the My Cloud Home work exactly like Apple ICloud? It will be much more easy, if possible.

Can the main user access another user1 and user 2 files without entering the account, only use the main user account?

Your message is not quite clear.

Are you using a Mac or an iPhone or iPad? On iPhone and iPad, I guess you should browse your MCH through the Files app.

What error is it displaying?


I tried to open the files from Pages, Numbers and Keynotes from my iPad, and it showed transparent files. Unable to open any files.

However, my Mac Book can open all the above files.

Can you provide screenshots ?

This is how it look like. Thanks!

Now I found out that Microsoft Office also the same. What should I do?

WD got the worst support and never get the things done. Horrible service.

I manage to open a docx.
What versions are you running? iOS,
Pages, iOS MCH, MCH firmware?

There is no response from WD customer service and I need to call them very frequently and they can’t give me any answer. Stated that it is my problem. Who create the WD Home Cloud? Not me, WD did.

All my IOS can’t open the files (pages/numbers/keynotes) and it is the latest IOS version.

For MCH, it is Win 10 and the latest Office version. Also can’t do edit any files, unless move the file to my notebook hard disk, then can edit.

The external WD Hard disk can open all the files and do editing, but not WD Home Cloud at all.

Latest iOS being 13.5.1?
Did you try to uninstall and reinstall the iOS MCH app?