Looking for WD2000BB-22RDA0

I need a WD2000BB-22RDA0,

to get the controller board from it,

to start another one up.

Anyone have one for me?


You may take a look at www.ebay.com


I will go up to my trusty computer recycle business, and see if they have a few 22RDA0. Tx for the info.

A straight board swap rarely works on modern drives. This is because each board stores unique, drive specific “adaptive” data in flash memory. The flash memory may be a discrete 8-pin chip (at location U12), or it may be internal to the Marvell MCU (big “M” logo). The flash memory, or its contents, needs to be transferred from patient to donor.

The following PCB suppliers offer a firmware transfer service, either for free, or for US$10:


I would advise that you avoid those suppliers who don’t tell you that a board won’t work without modification. Often they will attempt to obscure the requirement for a firmware transfer by deceptively describing their products as being “for data recovery only”.

Here is a Google search that is customised for HDD PCBs: