Looking for older OS5 firmware files with "File Web Viewer"

Hello community,
In the latest OS5 firmware versions, the “Web File Viewer” was removed from apps.
But I definitely need this again (and i’m not the only one i know).
The last OS5 version where this was included is version: 5.03.103 (filename: WDMyCloudEX2Ultra_5.03.103_prod.bin) or older?
Does anyone happen to still have this version available? I ask the WD support team, but they cant/wont help.

By the way, a “downgrade” between older OS5 versions is possible without any problems. I tried it myself with some older firmware files. I wish WD would integrate the “File Web Viewer” into the new versions again.


Hi @magooo
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting: