Logout from OneDrive!?!?!?

So I’m having a look at my daughter’s iPad to see where she stores her homework, and it turns out it’s on a OneDrive location. So I’m thinking you know what, let’s try to use Copy to copy her files from there to the My Cloud.

So I go to her My Cloud app and Manage devices/services, and yay there’s OneDrive. So we try to log in and it doesn’t recognise her password and in our wisdom we decide to try with her gmail account and lo and behold, in she gets… but it’s the wrong OneDrive account. This one doesn’t contain her homework at all.

I should have logged in with a different OneDrive account. But there’s the rub… how does one do THAT? There doesn’t appear to be an option to disconnect the credentials used.

I’ve tried removing the OneDrive service and adding it again, but when I added it again it simply uses the same credentials again. You don’t get the option to re-log in with different credentials.

There is no “Logout” option.

I tried adding a SECOND OneDrive service, hoping that maybe it will prompt me for a SECOND set of credentials. But no. It says you can only have one OneDrive service attached.

So yeah. What now?

Only thing I can think of is to uninstall the app and reinstall it.

I ended up using the Brute Force approach. I went to OneDrive, changed her password. As a result the linky no worky any more and eventually it prompted me to enter new credentials.

Mohammed and the Mountain spring to mind :slight_smile:

So then…

It turns out that I can’t connect her School OneDrive account to My Cloud. Apparently it’s a OneDrive account that is created through the school and that makes a difference, but when I try to connect using [heremailaddress]@[herschool].ie it says there is no such account.

Which is bizarre because you can quite happily connect directly to OneDrive using that email address.

So once again I came up with a creative solution.

I synched her OneDrive account to a local folder on my PC. I then synched that SAME local folder to my My Cloud.


But it works
