Elit Consectetur

Sed suscipit orci ut elit consectetur, et interdum lectus sodales. Nunc interdum lorem in magna posuere, at eleifend turpis tincidunt. Mauris consectetur porttitor pharetra. Ut tincidunt ex dui, sed posuere ipsum ultricies a. Suspendisse commodo lorem sed nisi feugiat tristique. Donec ultricies feugiat metus, sit amet dignissim felis vulputate quis.

Did you not “Dismiss” it yet by clicking the X?

Odd… it doesn’t re-appear for me… It only shows on the home page before I log in.

@dswv42 I apologize if the notice is an annoyance. Our password reset requests are still above average and until this settles down we can’t remove the message. As others have suggested, simply clicking the “X” gets rid of it permanently as long as you are logged in. Similarly, if you log out it will disappear again as soon as you log back in.