Listview with Moviesheets

Well, i’ve modified list view to make it work quite nicely with moviesheets…

Its much much faster than gallery view

special thanks to Joeysmyth for his original idea!


Now supports both wall moviesheets and normal moviesheets in listview!!!

See the video preview for more details!

Video Preview:


With the 1.2 version, you need to use the up and down buttons of the remote to navigate between files one after the other.

You can use the left and right button to change column.

You need to modify some of the wall templates available for thumbgen and make their fanart transparent(reduce its opacity) to have a view like above

produce the wall moviesheets as png file and rename to jpg file!

i.e. moviesheet.png → moviesheet.jpg

Modified Thumbgen Template for Tvshows:

Credits to the original Template Creator!

Test Folder:

FIRETIX SHEET THEME 1.1 (Does not support wall moviesheets)

The navigation listbox has been redesigned.


Test Folder:


You may either use the dummy file structure as before with one movie per folder OR


all your movies in one single folder as follows:



movie1.jpg —>moviesheet


movie2.jpg    – moviesheet




foldername.xml  --required to trigger the moviesheets in full resolution else it wont be displayed. you can also have an xml file for each movie… i.e movie1.xml, movie2.xml etc…


firetix !!! excellent work, i cant wait to see more of your code…

This looks very interesting

There is so much going on i cannot concentrate anymore…

How did you get the view in the still picture ?? i didnt see it in the videos


go to 0.40 min from this video.

Its just a moviesheet lol.

Since, in list view we can have multiple videos in the same folder we can use the same moviesheet template for each of the videos.

Hence, it will generate a more like cover trickle navigation effect and thumbnails get to be displayed also. since its on the moviesheet.

I’m still finding a way so that moviesheets overlays the folder names/file names, so that the latter gets hidden…

So if someone, has an idea please share it!

This view is excellent for tvshows!

Hey firetix, lookin good.

To get rid of the descriptions, just delete the description text in the xml. If you get rid of all this:

<wrapper fontsize="26" w="346" h="28" textcolor="0xFFFFFF">
<text text="@@description_0" x="106" y="229" active="@@act-browselist-0" selected="@@sel-description-0" speed="@@browse_speed_0" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_1" x="106" y="279" active="@@act-browselist-1" selected="@@sel-description-1" speed="@@browse_speed_1" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_2" x="106" y="329" active="@@act-browselist-2" selected="@@sel-description-2" speed="@@browse_speed_2" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_3" x="106" y="379" active="@@act-browselist-3" selected="@@sel-description-3" speed="@@browse_speed_3" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_4" x="106" y="429" active="@@act-browselist-4" selected="@@sel-description-4" speed="@@browse_speed_4" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_5" x="106" y="479" active="@@act-browselist-5" selected="@@sel-description-5" speed="@@browse_speed_5" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_6" x="106" y="529" active="@@act-browselist-6" selected="@@sel-description-6" speed="@@browse_speed_6" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_7" x="106" y="579" active="@@act-browselist-7" selected="@@sel-description-7" speed="@@browse_speed_7" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_8" x="708" y="229" active="@@act-browselist-8" selected="@@sel-description-8" speed="@@browse_speed_8" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_9" x="708" y="279" active="@@act-browselist-9" selected="@@sel-description-9" speed="@@browse_speed_9" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_10" x="708" y="329" active="@@act-browselist-10" selected="@@sel-description-10" speed="@@browse_speed_10" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_11" x="708" y="379" active="@@act-browselist-11" selected="@@sel-description-11" speed="@@browse_speed_11" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_12" x="708" y="429" active="@@act-browselist-12" selected="@@sel-description-12" speed="@@browse_speed_12" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_13" x="708" y="479" active="@@act-browselist-13" selected="@@sel-description-13" speed="@@browse_speed_13" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_14" x="708" y="529" active="@@act-browselist-14" selected="@@sel-description-14" speed="@@browse_speed_14" delay="2" />
<text text="@@description_15" x="708" y="579" active="@@act-browselist-15" selected="@@sel-description-15" speed="@@browse_speed_15" delay="2" />

It will keep the text from showing up. Or if you don't want to get rid of it completly, just move the text up so that it's before the lines of how you make the moviesheet show up.

Tinwarble Thanks a lot !!!

Everything works fine now…

i think i’m going to ditch gallery view lol.

A few questions firetix

whats your folder structure ? and are you using folder.jpg or moviename.jpg for the thumbnails…

also dummy file or just straight forward moviename.jpg…

hey theme makers

you work too fast for simple users :stuck_out_tongue:

just change change all my jpgs to test a brilliant idea

and another one comes one hour after :smileyvery-happy:

it’s a revolution as someone says

thank you for this

extremedigital wrote:

A few questions firetix



whats your folder structure ? and are you using folder.jpg or moviename.jpg for the thumbnails…


also dummy file or just straight forward moviename.jpg…


we can use both,

if we are using the dummy file method… it’s just like we are currently using with gallery view…

now comes the interesting part…

if you have all your movies in a single folder,

you can avoid using the dummy file method!

folder structure with dummy file:

is same as before.

folder structure without dummy file:



movie1.jpg —>moviesheet


movie2.jpg    – moviesheet

foldername.xml  --required to trigger the moviesheet in full resolution else it wont be displayed. you can also have an xml file for each movie…

i will release a beta version before i go to bed !

Et Tu firetix ??

Looks like the poor old dummy file / separate folder method is been slowly killed by you guys…

I am trying my hardest to stick with the separate folders structure and you guys are coming up with all these funky ideas !!!

Amazing work please release your test theme when you can

btw are you using a cover tickle template for the moviesheet…in order words the thumbnails at the bottom are part of the moviesheet ??

lol , extremedigital.

I’m still using the dummy file method for the majority of my folders as i like to have my movies in individual folders.

The dummy file method is compatible with the list view!

And as i always like to switch views when using the hub, i need to keep the dummy file.

and the below moviesheet template requires me to have all my movies in individual folders

But the listview will help a lot for tvshows!!!



Note: This is a beta version, there may be some bugs!, it also includes and updated gallery view from

my  Anodized Customised Moviesheet THEME 1.2.2V2

Test Folder:


You may either use the dummy file structure as before with one movie per folder OR


all your movies in one single folder as follows:



movie1.jpg —>moviesheet


movie2.jpg    – moviesheet




foldername.xml  --required to trigger the moviesheet in full resolution else it wont be displayed. you can also have an xml file for each movie… i.e movie1.xml, movie2.xml etc…

how do you generate the foldername.xml?

Is this using the trick from the other post about pulling the coverart from the moviesheet so you only have 1 jpg?

hi drizz…

The way to create the foldername.xml is really easy, just create a blank txt file

The rename it to the same name as your folder

ie My Movies folder will have a file called My Movies.xml

The xml doesn’t need any data in it



i tested it out with your test folder , Joey’s test folder, and my normal folders

Well it worked really well with all 3 …

Yes whilst gallery mode is fast when you strip the backdrops download away… List view is RAPID…

i really like the modification you have done to the list view code…havent actually had the time to go through it all but it is much better than my original version as you have solved the distorted folder.jpg issue…

The small thumbnail in the middle works real nice with movies in their own folders…

My one comment is that if you are going to go down the route you have with the list at the bottom, then i will go all the way with the mimimal look and only have one folder / file name at the bottom and scroll that way…

At the moment trying to fit 7 file names makes the field wayy to small and distracts from the overral clean look…

Personally i think i will try and modify my original look with the small font list on the side but with your code for the rest

it’s amazing

it’s the best compromise between speed and moviesheet with quality

thank you

I think we can also keep the order of the folder names/ filenames from top to bottom!

I just need to find a way to move the positions of the arrow…and rotate them maybe.

Its more clean, than having all of it at the bottom.


i modified my codes. in the list view

so now, to browse  the files or folders use the top and bottom directions of your remote just as before…and left and right directions to change columns…

Thumbnails appear at the extreme right

but i think it needs some tweaking and more modifications. I don’t quite like it.

And as there’s more space at the top, we can increase the number of files/folders being shown on the screen

Notice that you can also use wall templates with the listview!

modified list view xml:

So i’m hoping someone do some modifications as, i will be busy from to-day!

And one last thing concerning moviesheets, generate them with backdrops… from thumbgen.

There’s no longer the need to generate transparent moviesheets!

some latest development:

The navigation listbox has been redesigned.


Link to download updated THEME:


Just to let followers know that i again modified some of my code,

to make it support both normal moviesheets and wall moviesheets in list view…

will probably release it later tonight!

Do any one know, what’s is the name of the right and left arrow in the navigation list box

of list view?

I need to rotate them!

the file or tne @@name in the xml?

for the file maybe  : ‘dashboard_left_arrow.png’ and ‘dashboard_right_arrow.png’

in \image\