Just got a new 3TB drive & need help

Just got a new 3TB drive and am running my first back up now. I can see a list of some of the backed up items in the retrieve tab but there seems no way to just view the files. I look at the drive in “my computer” but it doesn’t show folders just the drives own folders & set up software. Other back ups I have had could be accessed easily like regular folders when the drive is plugged in. Am I missing a step? Is it that I will only see that when I am done the complete back up or should I have formatted the drive or something.
Sorry to be stupid but I can’t see any instructions or info that explains


So maybe someone can correct me but from what I am seeing you can’t see your files, not in the traditional sense?

I bought the drive as I have a lot of files on two smaller back ups & my laptop is full and I need to save photos & get them off. I want to take off my less accessed photo folders and put them on the backup but at time I may want to search for specific types of photos. My problem is I won’t always know which folder I want stuff from or I may only want one photo from a folder of hundreds. I thought like my other back up drives that I could look & then pick and bring back the items I want but what I am reading in the instructions I found is that you can only restore/retreave a full folder. some of my folders are 20gb (raw photo files) and it would be tough to think I have to bring back a whole folder just so I can look for one photo which may be in a different folder alltogether. Am I right about this or is it just I hav eto do some set up or reveal the folders in the drive or something?

Hi, inside the external hard drive smartware will create a folder with the name smartware.swstor, if you explore this folder you will see all of your files.

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Perfect!!! That was exactly what I needed, you ROCK! I was getting worried that there was no way to access the files directly. That was a well disguised folder, lol
Thanks so much!