JSMOD Theme "GRAIN" on firmware 2.06.10

Hi everyone

What do i have to do to make JoeySmyth JSMOD THEME “GRAIN” work on firmware 2.06.10 or higher ?

Thanks in advance.

It should work, but will more then likely have some text aligment problems which you could easily edit the xml to make the adjustments.

The moviesheet theme just work on firmware 2.04.13, on 2.06.10 or above the Moviesheet/Thumbnail don’t display, just appear a black thumbnail, what do i have to do to make it work and if possible with backdrops.

Please, somebody could help me ?

Im running FW 2.04.13 which makes it a little difficult to assist you.

Quote: “thumbnails are black” 

Please provide more detail about the problem. (Screenshots,Which view,Which sheets,png or jpg,media lib on/off ,what you have tried to solve the problem etc etc etc.)

I am running the following theme on 2.07 without an issue.

JoeySmyth’s Aeon ‘ish’ Home Screen + Gallery theme + list view fix **update**