Issues with wd tv live gen 3

I have gotten a wd tv live gen 3 media player from a friend of mine and when i plug it in and turn it on all i get is a black screen with a big red circle telling me to insert a usb stick with firmware does anyone know what the original version of firmware was that came installed on this device. Also can someone please tell me a usb flash drive and size that will work with this unit i have been doing some research and come to understand that these media players are pretty tempremental as to which usb flash drives this unit will read i would like to see if this unit is still salvagable and i can start with this information and see where it goes from there


like this ?

First Step is to tell us the exact model number of your WDTV … since you say you have a Gen 3 Device but have posted in a Gen 2 forum. (WD TV Live & Live Plus are Gen 2) : WD TV - Wikipedia

Best Thumbdrive/Flashdrive i have ever used is my trusty 2GB Kingston formatted FAT32

I am pretty sure it is the wdbxt7000 model but i will post the exact model number tonight when i get home so you have all the information you need i would really like to get this thing fogured out

Ok got the model number for you P/N: WDBHG70000NBK-01 please let me know if there is any more info you need and please let me know if this post is in the wrong place i will get it posted in the correct place


Ok, that’s a WDTV SMP or WDTV Live Streaming Gen 3 (correct forum link below)

Here’s a couple of links about your problem (with solutions)

Thank you for your help with possible solutions i am gonna try these over the next couple of days and see what happens i think my biggest obstacle right now is finding a flash drive that will read in this unit i have tried about 6 different ones that i have and none of them seem to work i am having a really hard time finding a small 2 or 4 gb drive here wheee i live the smallest one i have on hand is a 16gb.
I have reposted this in the proper place in the hopes of getting some responses but so far nothing yet