Is this a genuine or fake WD drive?

Thank you very much for sharing so much knowledge.  I never noticed DCX number or PCB number before.

But there is still possibility for forgery.

The only thing that can be easily checked and cannot be changed is PCB number (2060-nnnnnn).  Yet identical PCB number can be used on different model, so forging sticker and R/N on the front label is still possible.  Also, since people seldom share their PCB number, it would be hard to know if a PCB number is wrong for the model.

When DCX is copied along with MDL, DCX check is nullified.

Chips and SDRAM is hard to check because they are on the inner side of the PCB.

Performance benchmark is a good idea – but only for different models with distinguished performance difference.  If a ‘new’ WD20EARS is actually forged from a repaired WD20EARS, benchmark is of no use.

Weighing is a cool idea, but only applies to models with different platter number.

Thank you anyway.