Is My WDTVLive Unit SHOT - Facebook LOGON Problem?

I can access all of my computers on the network.
I can link to YouTube & play files.
BUT - I can’t link to my facebook accounts. Keeps telling me I have a wrong User ID or Password. That is NOT TRUE!

Running Windows 10 on my computers. Network WORKGROUP computers accessible. Using SHAW modem/router.

Is it FACEBOOK that is giving me the problem?

Is this something new happening? Or has it never worked?

My understanding (but this is YEARS ago so it’s fuzzy), is that a long time ago, Facebook started requiring secure login, and the WD TV facebook apps didn’t support that.

The workaround years ago was to disable secure login in your Facebook account, but that’s certainly not what I would do… Nobody needs LESS security.

I can’t recall when FB quit working (or if it ever worked). I only recall that I used NetFlix & YouTube - and it used to work with BOTH. Now I am contemplating using NetFlix again - but don’t want to subscribe if WDTVLive won’t work with it anymore.

As for the secure FB logon - would somebody who uses WDTVLive to logon to FB via https (secure) please acknowledge that it does work - or that it doesn’t work for them.

I totally manually updated firmware 2.3.20 - problem remains…

P.S. Thanks for the reply, TonyPh12345,

I think most users gave up on the WDTV FB app a long time ago because it’s horribly cumbersome.

My main use of WDTVLive is for storing & playing back my pics, music, DVD & BluRay files without having to first fire up a computer. That function remains solid.

I have Wi-Fi / Ethernet issues which turned out to partially resolvable (re-terminated the Ethernet cable). Alas, I also have to disable Wi-Fi on my router to get an Ethernet connection (it always connectsWi-Fi even tho I manually enter the wired parameters.

Facebook is dead for me as is my YouTube logon. However, NetFlix still works - which was my main concern for firing up WDTVLive again (I finally bought a Rii8+ keyboard). Not sure if I will keep NetFlix.

Case closed… Thank you…