Is My Cloud Home Sync BiDirectional?

I have the My Cloud Home and have it synced with a few folders from a storage drive on my PC. (I right clicked the folders on my PC…clicked Sync…and they are located in a folder called Sync from Desktop on the My Cloud Home.) If I make changes or add new items to the synced folders on my PC, they almost immediately sync/update to the My Cloud Home with the new files. However, if I go to the My Cloud drive and remove a file or update a file, it is not updated or deleted from the folder on my PC. Is this sync process only a one way deal? I was hoping that if I use my laptop to update files on the My Cloud Home that the changes would also be synced back to the original folders my PC. Does this drive not work this way? Thanks!

Yes, My Cloud Home syncs files in both device as well as on computer, i.e bidirectional. After update of computer files, it will update them on the device as well. You may try to check after the power cycle of device.

Thanks for the reply asp73. Wow. It is a power cycle issue. I created a doc and put it in my synced folder on my desktop PC and it immediately updated to the My Cloud Home. I then got on my laptop and accessed the My Cloud Home and made a change to that same document. It did not update on my desktop PC though until I restarted my PC. I wonder why it will not make any changes back to the PC until I power cycle it? That’s so weird. It’s almost immediate from my PC to the My Cloud Home though.

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