iPhone Auto Backup does not backup

I do not use the tab choices to see my pictures. I go into Shared Pictures, I have them separated into folders for iPhone and iPad , open a folder and can see all content in each folder. Nothing is missing.

Follow below steps:

  1. Make sure you have a stable connection and iCloud backup is on
  2. Make enough free space on iCloud
  3. Reset network settings
  4. Reset your iCloud account
  5. Restart or Reset your phone

I hope this solves your problem.

In the end, the missing thumbnails in the sheet “Photos/view by date” are recovered after rebuilding content database.

I have tried WD Power off/on.
I have tried Cloud service off/on.
Both don’t work.

If you ever feel that some pictures are missing, please try “content database rebuild”.

Why not take the aid of your iTunes or iCloud to back up iPhone data?
You can sync and back up data in manual manner, which is easy to operate.
If your photos are not out there, you can recover iPhone data under the help of one iOS photo recovery tool.


I’m having similar issue. Factory restored My Cloud 3TB, started updating camera roll from two iPhones.
One backed-up successfully, but the other uploaded half of the media and if I Check Activity status in MC app on this iphone it looks like it loops all the time:

  • Auto Backup: In progress,
  • Auto Backup: xx MB of 584 MB (67 items) - finishes,
  • Auto Backup: In progress,
  • Auto Backup: xx MB of 584 MB (67 items) - finishes,…
    … loops infinitely

Size and items numbers are the same all the time, it looks like it loops all the time on a “batch” of 67 items, uploads them unsuccessfully and retries…

I Restarted the app, reinstalled the app, rebooted iPhone, rebooted My Could, but cant get this fixed.
Anyone ever had problems like this?