Install Git on OS5

Does anyone know what solution to install git on EX2 Ultra?

On OS3 was possible using with some workaround.

If its not possible, what would be the reason?

Will the SDK OS5 be available?

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@MarcosAx I’ve sent you a PM with the link for OS 5 SDK

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Could I also get access to this as well please ?



@JediNite sent you a PM as well

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I would also appreciate receiving the OS5 SDK in support of installing git (again) after the OS5 update.
kind regards.

@terje_a I’ve sent you a PM

An alternative is to install community packages like Entware package manager or Docker.
This allows you to side load apps like git.

e.g. to get the git client once you have Entware installed.

opkg update
opkg list git
opkg install git

and you’re good to go.

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Hi. I would like to have it too, please

Could you please PM the link for git as well? Thank you in advance!

Could I also get access to this as well please ?


@dbaillargeon Here’s the My Cloud OS 5 SDK

i have My Cloud Ex2 Ultra OS5 and i would like to install git on EX2 Ultra.
Could you please send me a PM with the link for OS 5 SDK for git ?,Thank you in advance!

I should use OS 5 SDK for git too.
Send me PM too, please

Could I also get access for Git as well please ?

Hi there! Can you give me access for Git on OS5 as well please?

To install Git on OS5, open the terminal and first update the package lists by running sudo apt-get update. Then, install Git with the command sudo apt-get install git. Once the installation is complete, verify it using the git --version, and configure Git with your username and email.

Unfortunately when try to run the command sudo apt-get update I get the message:
sudo: apt-get: command not found