Im Deleting External Picture Links

I am currently in the Process of Deleting all Picture Links due to an unfortunate (and offensive) situation that occurred in the last 12 hours during my absence from the Forum.

The Picture link that i posted approx Six Months ago was not hacked or modified on this Forum, but can only have been done so at

the other possible reason… the Picture Link ‘Expired’ and was replaced with the Offensive Picture. (Which i will be alerting Moderators)

I no longer trust external Image Providers and will be Re-Uploading Pictures to the WD Forum Servers to ensure this situation does not happen again.

My Sincerest Apologies to all Forum Members for this Unfortunate and Offensive Occurrence.


Apologies accepted.

I Reported the Offensive and In-Appropriate content to

And they have now Removed it.

To be Honest and Blunt,  If this Bullsh*t happens again… i’m gone.