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SMB sharing not working on macOS M… | Apple Developer Forums

[Search domain developer.apple.com] https://developer.apple.com › forums › thread › 683287
Mac osx 12.0 smb can’t connect to ANY SMB shares synology or truenas all completely broken… help appreciated… Noticed after installing beta3, it commenced a backup to my Sinology NAS for the first time since putting the new beta on, but it failed to complete. Having the same issue with a Linux share running beta 3.

I have the same issue. SMB connection from Monterey 12.0.1 is not working with my Synology NAS. However, forcing Monterey to use SMB2 allowed me to get a connection (https://stadt-bremerhaven.de/avm-fritzbox-smb-problem-mit-macos-12-monterey-und-wie-man-es-behebt/).

Enter the folowing commands on the terminal window. SMB Version 2 will be enabled.

echo "[default]" | sudo tee -a /etc/nsmb.conf

echo "protocol_vers_map=2" | sudo tee -a /etc/nsmb.conf