Identity Theft: Help needed UNLOCKING encrypted hard drive

Hi there, I was very recently a victim of identity theft after being conned by my now ex-boyfriend. I am trying to open the external hard drive that was purchased with my money, but has a password on it that I do not know. Is there any way to remove the password without reformatting what is on the disk?

I strongly suspect there is proof of identity theft and cyber crimes, if not more, on the disk.

Thanks for any help or recommendations you can provide.

removing passwords is difficult even for experts

It is not hard to crack the password.
It all depends on the way the system store it. If one has the disk in hand. One can be recovered with ease… Some encrypted disc set up a password in the computer but has the same key on all devices. Some have an encryption engine integrated. Everything can be cracked. And one easy way is Kali OS. And some very advanced encysted HD has an encryption key in-between the computer and the HD, but the HD itself has no encryption. So it is all about how safe do you feel it is. Besides 90% of all secure encryption is based on two big primes. Good luck

Removing passwords is difficult even for experts, but good specialists can cope with any task. Unfortunately, in the end, some guys hacked the pentagon. LOL. To be honest, I prefer to trust those who understand this because it is an unattainable peak for me. Some months ago, my friend developed an application for crypto. That’s why he asked for professional help at a company that checked how it protects itself, stores secrets, which libraries it employs. They helped him with remediation and safety a lot. So, you can address directly to them, they will give you a qualified explication on this issue you need.