I show My Book as a separate Drive E: and it appears under C: as a folder

My Book appears as a separate Drive E: and it appears under C: as a folder. I cannot delete the C: MyBook folder. Why?

Hi, what operating system are you using? What is the model number of the drive? Was working like this before or did just started happening?

My operating system is Windows 10. My Western Digital unit model is:

Type: Western Digital

Description: My Book 4 TB USB 3.0 with Backup

Model: WDBFJK0040HBK-04

Drive Serial Number: [[DELETED]]

Storage: 4 TB

Originally I did not have a “shadow” image of My Book on the C: drive.

I recently, 3 days ago, had to replace my hard drive and reinstall Windows 10 as well

as the Western Digital Smartware software.

Hi, have you by any chance added the drive to the Windows Library? Do you see the same files on the “shadow” My Book and on the E:?

This is extremely weird, can you share a picture of how the “shadow” looks?

I cannot confirm that I added the drive to the Windows library. At least not on purpose.

I have attached a file/snipping tool image of my drives.

The only thing I can think of is to uninstall the SmartWare software and try to reinstall it again.

Can you provide the correct place to obtain the appropriate software.

I have attached a file of the Programs that have been installed on my desktop.

As you can see there are 3 WD programs. I assume that is correct.

I have sent another email, but it may have a problem with size. So, I am sending

this fresh email with an attached file.

It shows my C: directory with the first folder Mark. It shows a WD .zip file located

in this directory. Could that have caused a second version of the software to be


Update for Wednesday, 11/18 at 1:10 PM.I have Uninstaller all my WD software from my desktop. I also formatted the My Book device. Restarted my pc. Downloaded the Smartware software from your support Web site.I found that I have the same issue again. The My Book drive is listed as My Book E: and a separate device. It is also listed as My Book E: under the C: directory.Is there anything I am doing wrong?

One last question….I just found that Windows 10 offers you an option as

to where you want to install applications. In my case I have the option of

installing in the C: drive or the E: drive (My Book).

Does this make any difference? I installed in the C: drive because at the time

that I was re-installing my WD Smartware software I was not aware of this option.