I need help with my WD Cloud

Hi I am First Level Support at Western Digital. The previous reply are all correct steps to try and eliminate the issue. Can I suggest the following. Begin with the basics. Reset your MyCloud to factory default with 40 sec reset. That is done by inserting a paper clip or similar into the small hole on the back of the device and while holding it depressed apply power to the device whilst keeping that reset button depressed for the 40+ seconds.
After that I would power down/up your router and once you have internet connectivity (google something) you then attach your MyCloud directly to the router. The LED on the mycloud should show a sold blue or white light when its ready for action.
To eliminate connectivity issues with the WD MyCloud Server I suggest you map your MyCloud following this KB: How to Map Network Drive on Windows for WD My Cloud
If that is successful your mycloud device is now available as a networked attached drive and you can now try to just drag and drop files into it>success?.
If yes and its only not possible remotely or via the dashboard thats a different issue. In that case you must first get as far as being able to open the dashboard via mycloud.com or entering the I.P. of your mycloud device straight into a browser session>success?. If yes so far so good. If not your maybe looking at restrictions put in place by the Internet Provider and/or provider of your router that has ports used by WD communication blocked.