I cant open *.mov files on my Samsung SMART TV by DLNA by TWONKY

I cant open *.mov files on my Samsung SMART TV by DLNA by TWONKY - “This file format is not supported yet”, but my TV can to read this files from USB hard drives, what can I do? I install another DLNA server on my computer - My TV can read this files. Problem with dlna server Twonky. Please help me!!! And   another broblem: On my computer, some time I cant open files *.mov on directories which named by Russian language! - writing attention message: Error -36 error of input/output.  Please! Please! I Bought it 4 days later!

There have been issues reported with Samsung TV’s and media servers

can you play other file types with no problem?

You can try converting the files to a working file extension

I have no problem for reading all type video format by my Tv. A have no broblem with reading this *.mov and others type files by another dlna server which i could installed to my computer and which opening by my Tv. Problem with Twonkey server wich installed in mybook live. I try to updating it to 7. Nothing. All mov created by my iphone and canon photo. Please help with. I cant belive that just I have this broblem.

twonky seems to have quite a few limitiations. I have stopped using it for a couple of years now (had it on  mybookworld) The first thing I did was to disable it and install miniDLNA. It works fine on my samsung B series TV and have seen it work even better on C series.

It’s a mix of things that have to do with the actual TV and dlna server.

You can try to convert MOV to MP4, i think you will can share it via DLNA.

MP4 is your best choice. Below link will show you how to convert movies to MP4.


Use AppGeeker to convert mov movie files and have a look at your Samsung SMART TV’s specs to see what types of video  formats it can play.

It’s a nice little program that can convert back and forth from most formats. i have used it quite a bit to render from mov to mp4 format.

I’ve used the program,  for some time without ‘damaging’ any file.