I can't acess the harddrive or folders inside the harddrive when I hook it up to my computer

Okay, still a bit confused, but I’ll give it a go.

If you had the HUB with a wireless dongle in one USB, and either a USB cable or and HDMI cable connected to your computer, I am guessing that the HUB was acting like a computer on your network and that the wired connection between them was doing nothing. That would be why you saw the HUB in your Network Folder. The HUB was just another network device, and when you copied files to it, they went out of your PC network card, to your router, and then across your wireless to the HUB. The connection between the PC and the HUB would be doing nothing, and of course you cannot configure the HUB because you are not attached to a TV to see the interface.

Perhaps I am missunderstanding, but this setup does not sound like it will work, at least not properly. You dont need to connect your HUB to your computer. You just need to connect your hub to your WiFi network, and see it in your network folder on your computer.

If you cannot see the HUB this way, there are all sorts of things you could check, but you need to be connected to a TV so you can see the HUBs interface. When the HUB is connected to your TV, you can check if the HUB is actually online, and that you have all your devices set to be in the same workgroup etc.

Read the below thread where a person is asking how to hook a HUB directly to a computer and see the replies.


You can also search for “Direct connecti HUB to PC” and you will see similar answers

Unplug your LiveHUB from your PC, connect it to your network and your TV, and see where you get from there. If you cannot get it working at that point, then it’s time to start troubleshooting your network connectivity. At least you will be setup in a standard configuration that people here may be able to help you with.

Good luck
