How well does WD TV Live navigate photos?

I bought a Samsung Blue Ray player that touted it could display photos and play mp3s.   It can but in only the simplest of ways and isn’t useful if you have more than 100 files.

So how well does WDTV do with photos?   It claims it can sort by date and I’m wondering if that is the date on the file or the date embedded in the photo?   Can it sort by other tags in the photo?   Is the interface usable?  

Same question for mp3s.   I see that the WD TV Live can at least play m3u playlists which one ups the Samsung.   Can WD TV Live look at the ID3 tags and give me lists of Artists or genres?


Same as WD handles everything else to the lowest possible level. Buy something else, you’ll be disapointed if you expect anything from WD.