How to delete files from My Passport that are deleted from computer

Non tech savvy newbie back again! HP Running Windows 7. I used category backup and continuous backup (when the passport is plugged in.).

I’m seeing conflicting information on the subject. I read on one thread that with My Passport (WDBY8L0020BSL) deletes from the external HD what you’ve deleted from the computer after 30 days . This is what I want it to do. I had to reset my computer to factory settings. Then I reformatted the passport using Utilities. When I retrieved the data EVERYTHING was put back on my computer, some of it in duplicate even triplicate. That was my fault because I checked “even deleted files” when I did it. It scrambled folders of pictures. Ones I’d gone through, deleted most picture files and moved the pictures to another folder. So now the above mess with the picture and folder files are on the passport also. I’m going to be deleting a lot of pictures and moving them around in different folders. As a photographer I delete a lot of photos. Right now I’m going to have to do a lot of deleting and moving on my desktop pictures. Things I need to know are:

Does it actually delete and move around files and folders as I do it on the computer or within 30 days. (I know it’s a “backup” but is there a way to get it to do this? It should be a option if not.)

If it doesn’t do the above how do I make the changes in the pictures on my passport. This is going to be a huge job and it could take months. I don’t want to do it manually as I go along sooooo…

After I complete this arduous overhaul how would I move the newly redone pictures on my computer and replace the one on My Passport? Can I just delete the ones on the passport and copy/ paste the redone one’s from my HP to My Passport? We’re talking hundreds of folders. I need the easiest way possible to do it.

How I access my passport: My Passport > WD Smartware.swstor > Michelle HP > Volume > users > Michelle > (pictures, documents, etc)

Thanks in advance and remember, I am not tech savvy, small words :slight_smile:


In order to delete files from the Passport you will need to access the Passport and delete the files manually.
If you delete a file from the computer that is already backed up in the passport then deleting that file has to be done manually.

Files that are backed up will not be deleted automatically from the drive in order to prevent data loss.

Any suggestions on the following?

After I complete this arduous overhaul how would I move the newly redone pictures on my computer and replace the one on My Passport? Can I just delete the ones on the passport and copy/ paste the redone one’s from my HP to My Passport? We’re talking at least 100 folders with a lot of photo files in each. I need the easiest way possible to do it.

How I access my passport: My Passport > WD Smartware.swstor > Michelle HP > Volume > users > Michelle > (pictures, documents, etc) I’d seen on another thread that you shouldn’t use WD Smartware.swstor to delete files. What other way is there to access them?
