How to change Path of WD Sync folder

While one cannot apparently change the install location for the WD Sync program when one installs it. It is apparently possible to change the default WD Sync folder (the one that contains the files to be synced to the My Cloud) on the local computer by editing the two WD Sync.config files. One file (on my Win 7 PC) is located in the "C:\ProgramData\Western Digital\WD Sync" folder the other in the C:\ProgramData\Western Digital\WD Sync\<long string of characters>\WD folder.

Note: Procede at your own risk. If you goof up the WD Sync.config file and WD Sync doesn’t work, don’t blame me. Make a backup of the WD Sync.config before proceeding so you can restore it if you make a mistake. While this appears to have worked for me it may not for you.

Start by opening up the WD Sync program and adding a new sync folder on another hard drive that you want to be the new main sync location for the WD Sync program.

Next, open that WD Sync.config file in a file editor (like Notepad on a Windows PC) and look for the section between the <syncPairs> tag. Here is an example that indicates both the default sync location and a sync location on an external USB hard drive that I want to make the main sync location:

<syncPair sourceDisplayFolder="C:\Users\<username>\My Cloud\" sourceFolder="\\?\Volume{8689a3f7-4967-11e1-8763-806e6f6e6963}\Users\<username>\My Cloud\"
destinationFolder="/<mycloudsharename>/WD Sync/" canDelete="false" />
<syncPair sourceDisplayFolder="E:\mycloudsync\" sourceFolder="\\?\Volume{e374bc25-1393-11e4-8292-dc0ea1411453}\mycloudsync\"
destinationFolder="/<mycloudsharename>/test/" canDelete="true" />

To change the location of the main sync location, edit the first sourceDisplayFolder and the sourceFolder entry to match the second set of sourceDisplayFolder and the sourceFolder entries. One can also change the canDelete entry from “false” to “true” so they could delete the entry in the WD Sync program if they so desire. Save the file when finished. Make sure to edit BOTH WD Sync.config files.

Here is an example of that entry changed so it points to a USB hard drive as the location for the default sync folder. I removed the second <syncPair> line pointing to the external hard drive in this example.

<syncPair sourceDisplayFolder="E:\mycloudsync\" sourceFolder="\\?\Volume{e374bc25-1393-11e4-8292-dc0ea1411453}\mycloudsync\" 
destinationFolder="/<mycloudsharename>/WD Sync/" canDelete="false" />

Note: These are quick and dirty instructions.