How to backup the content of the my cloud home device

For everyone impacted by the “ongoing attacks” against MyBookLive devices, this is a good answer. I used to have 2 MyBookLive devices backup to each other in separate physical locations and now have 2 My Cloud Home replacement devices and a RaspberryPi to do the same thing.

Slightly different and more detailed instructions:

  1. Need: Raspberry Pi 3 B+, Power Supply, SD Card, Ethernet, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse
  2. Follow Instructions via to setup a device
  3. Mount the My Cloud Home devices as Network Drives on the NextCloudPi by first getting the utilities
    sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
  4. Then create the directories “Y” and “Z”
    sudo mkdir /mnt/y
    sudo mkdir /mnt/z
  5. Edit the file so that the My Cloud Home files can be read by the raspberry pi
    sudo nano /etc/fstab
  6. Add these 2 lines to the file with the correct IP addresses for your devices and save and exit nano.
    //192.168.###.###/Public/ /mnt/y cifs guest,_netdev 0 0
    (Another line like above but /mnt/z)
  7. Mount the Drives and they’ll automatically mount if rebooted
    sudo mount /mnt/y
    sudo mount /mnt/z
  8. Sync Y: to Z:
    sudo rsync -r /mnt/y /mnt/z

Now I need to figure out how to make Y: backup to Z: automatically on an interval.