How the freaking hell do I download smartware?

Not the update. The actual smartware software.

I applied the firmware update and cannot see my drive, thus cannot reinstall smartware.

The latest version of SmartWare for Mac is a full install and does not require a pre-install of the software.  Please download the software from the link below. 

After a firmware update you will need to power cycle the drive (disconncdt power for a My Book and unplug the USB for a Passport)  wait about 10 seconds and reconnect.  The VCD and drive should both mount to your Mac.  If they do not, please reboot your Mac.  If the issue continues, please contact support

WD SmartWare Mac:


No,  The latest version of smartware for mac is NOT a full install. Not the software you refer to located at

WD SmartWare Mac:

When it is downloaded, it says "Please instal the software before attempting a software update.

Perhaps you should consider testing the link your self

i really dont get how you can post that link and make that statement.

The URL you refer to at

WD SmartWare Mac:

is the update only. Not the full install.

I have escalated this issue.  Based upon the information provided to me, this software package should be a full install for Mac systems.

Regardless, If the drive is not mounting to your Mac after the firmware update there is another issue.  Installing the software will not mount the drive as the software is only a backup software and has nothing to do with drive discovery.

Do you have another Mac available to test the drive on?

Which Mac OS are you using?


Does Western Digital have the resources to download and test the link you refer and see if it contains the full install as stated?

Resources needed -

  1. Mac computer

  2. Internet connection

If so, you could probably avoid escalating the issue.

Any updates on the correct link to download the full software package? I have the latest edition of snow lep