How I replace the HDD of mycloud gen2

Bought mycloud gen2 last week. Droped it on the ground and got blinking red light.

Since I droped the device on the floor and that I dont have my Invoice, I tried to connect the HDD on a pc to se how the drive was. The drive is broken (probably the disk needle problem).

So I take an old drive and tried to rebuild the Mycloud. I tried a lot of tutoriais since I discover my MyCloud is a 2gen (firmware 02.xx.xx)

So, all the tutoriais I found was for the first generation, the only one I found is this one ( . Tried all it said:

sudo -s

s# Use Debian/ubuntu or any other linux distro (USB/CD Live image)

All “/dev/sda” change to your disk! (List disks in system: “parted -l”)

If this is new disk or damaged (formatted) old, recreate partitions first:

parted /dev/sda
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 1049kB 2149MB
mkpart primary 8591MB -1MB
mkpart primary 7517MB 8591MB
mkpart primary 2149MB 3222MB
mkpart primary 3222MB 4296MB
mkpart primary 4296MB 6443MB
mkpart primary 6443MB 7517MB
mkswap /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3

Download and unpack files from WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Gen2/Developing: uImage-wdrecovery and uRamdisk-wdrecovery

Write it disk:

mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot
mkdir /mnt/boot/bootq
cp uImage-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uImage
cp uRamdisk-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uRamdisk

Done. Connect disk back to WDMC and turn on.

After few minutes WDMC boots to “WD Recovery”. Go to webgui and upload official firmware.


But I still get the blinking red light. What should I do?

Hi, the generation 1 and the generation 2 my cloud use different codes, si the firmware from Gen 1 will not work on Gen 2, you should contact WD Support and see if they can help.

Yes, but there’s a big clue here:

Note the ‘Gen2’ in the path name…

To the OP: make sure the partiton sizes ae sensible for your replacement disk. Try doing 4 and 40 second resets.

Workout with this commands:

sudo su

parted /dev/sdb

mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 1049kB 2149MB
mkpart primary 8591MB -1MB
mkpart primary 7517MB 8591MB
mkpart primary 2149MB 3222MB
mkpart primary 3222MB 4296MB
mkpart primary 4296MB 6443MB
mkpart primary 6443MB 7517MB


mkswap /dev/sdb1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb2

dd if=/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/sdb3.img of=/dev/sdb3
dd if=/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/sdb4.img of=/dev/sdb4
dd if=/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/sdb5.img of=/dev/sdb5
dd if=/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/sdb6.img of=/dev/sdb6
dd if=/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/sdb7.img of=/dev/sdb7

Found it on a Russian Forum

User Fox_exe has posted unbricking directions for several My Cloud including gen 2 My Clouds. Here is the link for the gen 2:

Link to English directions:

# Use Debian/ubuntu or any other linux distro (USB/CD Live image)
# All "/dev/sda" change to your disk! (List disks in system: "parted -l")
# If this is new disk or damaged (formatted) old, recreate partitions first:
parted /dev/sda
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 1049kB 2149MB
mkpart primary 8591MB -1MB
mkpart primary 7517MB 8591MB
mkpart primary 2149MB 3222MB
mkpart primary 3222MB 4296MB
mkpart primary 4296MB 6443MB
mkpart primary 6443MB 7517MB
mkswap /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3

# Download and unpack files from WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Gen2/Developing: uImage-wdrecovery and uRamdisk-wdrecovery
# Write it disk:
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot
mkdir /mnt/boot/boot
cp uImage-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uImage
cp uRamdisk-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uRamdisk

# Done. Connect disk back to WDMC and turn on.
# After few minutes WDMC boots to "WD Recovery". Go to webgui and upload official firmware.
# Done!

As always its a good idea to do a 40 second reset or do a System Only Factory Restore through the Dashboard after unbricking either a gen 1 or a gen 2 My Cloud.

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Those are the instructions the OP followed. I suspected they may be Fox_exe’s instructions…

Yes they are Fox’s directions. I was posting the full links (hot) and directions in full for others who read this thread and because the information luiz_Balestreri posted is slightly different (for example mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb2) than Fox’s information (for example mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3).

Bennor, the Fox_exe instructions didnt work for me, the one I posted after worked.

I found it here (used google translator, because it’s in russian):

Link for the files:


#use live ubuntu or another linux OS

sudo su

#change the sdB for the letter of your disk. Ex sdA,sdB,sdC… (List disks in system: “parted -l”)
parted /dev/sdb

mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 1049kB 2149MB
mkpart primary 8591MB -1MB
mkpart primary 7517MB 8591MB
mkpart primary 2149MB 3222MB
mkpart primary 3222MB 4296MB
mkpart primary 4296MB 6443MB
mkpart primary 6443MB 7517MB


mkswap /dev/sdb1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb2

#change the “/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/” for the path to your files

dd if=/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/sdb3.img of=/dev/sdb3
dd if=/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/sdb4.img of=/dev/sdb4
dd if=/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/sdb5.img of=/dev/sdb5
dd if=/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/sdb6.img of=/dev/sdb6
dd if=/media/mint/4C9462439462301E/wd/sdb7.img of=/dev/sdb7

PS: the instructions are based on fox_exe one, all credits go to he and User KOCTET of forum

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i follow this instructions… the cloud station is started and works with the web interface - also with the new firmware… but the volume of storage - HDD is not detected - so which program can i use and how to make the right patition in right format on my HDD for the storage… just for explain, the parts of the system working, only the storage is away…
It was a completely new HDD

I follow exactly this instructions:

If this is new disk or damaged (formatted) old, recreate partitions first:
parted /dev/sda
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 1049kB 2149MB
mkpart primary 8591MB -1MB
mkpart primary 7517MB 8591MB
mkpart primary 2149MB 3222MB
mkpart primary 3222MB 4296MB
mkpart primary 4296MB 6443MB
mkpart primary 6443MB 7517MB
mkswap /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3

Download and unpack files from WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Gen2/Developing: uImage-wdrecovery and uRamdisk-wdrecovery
Write it disk:
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot
mkdir /mnt/boot/bootq
cp uImage-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uImage
cp uRamdisk-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uRamdisk

Done. Connect disk back to WDMC and turn on.
After few minutes WDMC boots to “WD Recovery”. Go to webgui and upload official firmware.

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i got it… everything was fine, i´m only to fast by the first start with klicks the raid assistant away. And the assistant is only one time there.
Now working all.


Hello people,

how can I get 1TB image for the WD My Cloud?

I followed the instruction step by step
When I add the last 2 commands

cp uImage-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uImage
cp uRamdisk-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uRamdisk

I get an error no file or folder found.
Did I miss something?
Please advise.

Did you do the following step?

# Download and unpack files from WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Gen2/Developing: uImage-wdrecovery and uRamdisk-wdrecovery

Did you unpack the file to the directory from where you ran those two commands? That’s an instruction in English, not in linux. You will have to complete that instruction yourself, from fox_exe’s repository.

Those commands are copy commands. You must copy the file uImage-wdrecovery to the location /mnt/boot/boot/uImage, and the file uRamdisk-wdrecovery to the location /mnt/boot/boot/uRamdisk. If you are not in the directory where those files are stored when you execute the two copy (cp) commands, the files will not be found.

As cpt_paranoia indicated did you download and unpack the two files (uImage-wdrecovery and uRamdisk-wdrecovery) to your My Cloud first before running those two commands?



Thank you for your quick reply.
I did download the file and placed them on a USB drive

sda = 2TB
sdb = 8 Gig USB (boot drive)
sdc = 16 Gig USB (recovery files)

I did not copy the files to the location I ran the commands. Being that I’m new to the commands, I am not sure how to change drives and folders.

cd <path>

To go to the top of the file system, use cd /
To see what the filesystem looks like, use ls

USB drives are likely to be in /mnt or /dev
From your notes, /dev/sdc

If you’re unclear, google for basic linux tutorials.

How are you running linux to perform this operation? From a LiveCD? From USB?

I am running linux from a USB

Thank you all for your comments.

After booting up with Ubuntu Desktop and copy and paste the commands, My cloud is back up but with the original issue.

I am not able to see any shares on the network, I can see the shares from the dashboard.
I have added a new share and cannot see this as well. I have set Public share in the on and off position and have the same results.

Added a new user and password no change.

This unit is for backup for my existing my cloud and will only be used internally.

If I turn on the DLNA media server, this will show on the network. I have updated the firmware to the latest.

What exactly do you mean by ‘cannot see’?

Do you mean that they are not even visible to whatever computer/OS/file manager you are using (what are those, by the way)?

Or do you mean they are visible, but you are denied access?

From the network I cannot see any folders that are shared from My Cloud, default or not. I can see my shared folders from my computer on the network

I have used both Windows 7 and Windows 10 and have the same results.

See images.