How I replace the HDD of mycloud gen2


i follow this instructions… the cloud station is started and works with the web interface - also with the new firmware… but the volume of storage - HDD is not detected - so which program can i use and how to make the right patition in right format on my HDD for the storage… just for explain, the parts of the system working, only the storage is away…
It was a completely new HDD

I follow exactly this instructions:

If this is new disk or damaged (formatted) old, recreate partitions first:
parted /dev/sda
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 1049kB 2149MB
mkpart primary 8591MB -1MB
mkpart primary 7517MB 8591MB
mkpart primary 2149MB 3222MB
mkpart primary 3222MB 4296MB
mkpart primary 4296MB 6443MB
mkpart primary 6443MB 7517MB
mkswap /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3

Download and unpack files from WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Gen2/Developing: uImage-wdrecovery and uRamdisk-wdrecovery
Write it disk:
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot
mkdir /mnt/boot/bootq
cp uImage-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uImage
cp uRamdisk-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uRamdisk

Done. Connect disk back to WDMC and turn on.
After few minutes WDMC boots to “WD Recovery”. Go to webgui and upload official firmware.

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