How does WD recognize TV Show? Firmware Version 3.00.28


On my hub, I have to power it completely off (press and hold the on/off remote button for 5-8 seconds), wait 30 seconds or so, then power the hub back on. If that doesn’t work, try turning the library off, then clear the library, then do the power cycle thing just mentioned, then once the hub is back up, turn library back on and let it recompile it from scratch.

“Not Richard”

i should be happy that it now support but its show annoying it just can’t handle a nicely formatted filename :frowning:

my episode are named

Once Upon a Time - [01x02] - The Thing you love most.avi

yet files like this wont scrape. I would love to see some sort template format adding… eg…

$SN = Series Name

$S = Season number (leading zero)

$E = Episode number (leading zero)

$T = Title 

so i could then enter

$SN - [$Sx$E] - $T

now we can all have our own file format and WD can know where to look to pass to the scraper.

yeah, i know… they can’t fix the PNG issue for year+ so no chance this will happen… I just hate having the filename

in the 
