How Do I access files on MyCloudMirror? Windows + R

I am currently having issues installing WD Access and WD Sync. I recently was able to access my files on my MyCloudMirror with a work around I found, but I’ve lost the instructions.

I remember that I had to press my Windows Button and R, then type in something like //wdmycloudmirror. Can someone please give me the proper command to access my files this way. I have posted the software issues in a different thread.


I just managed to figure this one out on my own, but thought I would leave this file here as a work around for anyone else that may have a problem with the WD Access program (or for myself if I lose my instructions again).

To access files on the MyCloudMirror you can:
Press the Windows button and R to “Run” a program
Type \wdmycloudmirror (or \thenameofyourbackup)
If you use a password, you will be prompted for the password.

Then you can access files directly.

Thank you for providing this information. This could be use for other users as well.